Freeform lens design for LED collimating illumination Freeform lens design for LED collimating illumination. Jin-Jia Chen,1,* Te-Yuan Wang,1 Kuang-Lung Huang,2 Te-Shu Liu,1 Ming-Da Tsai,1 and Chin-Tang Lin1.
Freeform lens design for LED collimating illumination 2012年5月7日 - We present a simple freeform lens design method for an application to LED collimating illumination. The method is derived from a basic ...
Design of high-efficient freeform LED lens for illumination 2011年5月9日 - We propose a method for the design of an optical element generating the required irradiance distribution in a rectangular area with a large ...
Freeform lens design for LED collimating illumination. Opt Express. 2012 May 7;20(10):10984-95. doi: 10.1364/OE.20.010984. Freeform lens design for LED collimating illumination. Chen JJ, Wang TY, Huang KL, ...
Design of a novel LED collimating element based on ... 2013年1月9日 - Design of a novel LED collimating element based on freeform surface ... The upper surface of the lens is freeform and calculated by geometrical ... than 20 mm when the illuminated plane is 5 m away from the LED source.
Freeform lens design for LED collimating illumination ... ABSTRACT We present a simple freeform lens design method for an application to LED collimating illumination. The method is derived from a basic ...
Freeform surface design for a light-emitting diode–based ... A freeform collimating lens is designed to project light rays emitted from an LED ... optics, to improve their optical efficiency and produce prescribed illumination. ... to construct an LED-based collimating lens, which contains a TIR side surface .
freeform lens design for led collimating illumination_百度文库 Freeform lens design for LED collimating illumination Jin-Jia Chen,1,* Te-Yuan Wang,1 Kuang-Lung Huang,2 Te-Shu Liu,1 Ming-Da Tsai,1 and Chin-Tang Lin1 ...